Saturday, August 9, 2008


Operator get me Bei...jing jing jing jing (from the bananaphone)!2008 Olympics are here!!! Yesterday was the opening ceremony!!!!It was amazing!!! All us Chinese should be proud!!!! yeah!! I like the part where they peeled the olympics symbol of the floor. I really wasn't expecting that!!! Ok now enough with the !!! The other part I like is the part where they ran around the "globe". Some of you people have weird opinions of it like 'they are wearing magnet boots and the ball is made out of metal ' or 'they are wearing metal boots and the ball is made out of magnet ' another weird one is 'they are mutants and they can fly'???the marching thing was really long. conclusion is that I woke up late the next morning and was late for E and A(I will write about this another time) so thats all about the olympics...

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